Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lots of changes!

We found this huge mushroom in our backyard.... Intense.

Last but not least, we continue to decrease the animal count in our yard. This chipmunk has been eating my pepper plants and many other plants right off to the ground. We caught him and did the loving thing and let him go. Stasos got the privilege to release this fella back into the wild.

Overall, it was a crazy weekend. We found some time to rest and relax but got a LOT done!!!

Update on the baby world: we had an appointment last week and things are still going well. The heartbeat is steady and healthy. I'll have pictures hopefully next week of how I'm looking; I haven't gained a pound yet so that's a little strange for my body to change so much but not gain any weight.
Off for now...

Lots of changes!

Around the back patio.
There was
done before
hand but weeds had
overgrown this
area. Not anymore!!!

Lots of changes!

What we look at when we sit in our chairs on the patio....

Lots of changes!

The fenceline

Sunday, August 1, 2010

38% or 15 weeks...

That's where we are. Our little Udey is about 3-3.5" long now, so about the width of your palm. This week was busy as normal weeks are but Jay and I happened to both get sick. I have no idea if mine was the flu or just from being pregnant and Jay thinks his was from food poisoning. So we each got the opportunity to take care of each other.

Throughout the week we still managed to do a few things. We played volleyball and our team got its first win!! That was exciting. I got the opportunity to go to a special speaker our church hosted named Mark Cahill. If you have never heard of him, he is a very intense and motivated man. His latest book is titled 'One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven'. It was interesting because we don't know what Heaven will be like but we are guaranteed that we will not be able to share our faith with people who don't know the Lord, because everyone in Heaven will know the Lord. He encouraged us to ask others where they thought they were going after they pass away. Many people don't take the time to think about it or would just rather not think about it. But I urge you to just take some time today, tomorrow, or soon to think about it. There's only one way to Heaven and it's through a personal relationship with Jesus who loved all of us so much to die on the cross for each and every one of our sins. He asks that we accept that and choose to live by what He asks so we can have a full and joyful life. There's so much more I could type on this but if anyone has questions I would love to talk about it. But, Mark Cahill rocked the boat a little and just encouraged us to share more of what Christ has done in our life with others.

A few days later we got the privilege of going to Jay's co-worker Ben's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and his bride Bri looked amazing. Other than that we had our regular Sunday of having breakfast with Cara and a successful Aldi's trip, doing some yard work, and hanging out with our friends Marina and Kevin. Jay got to play the new 2011 NCAA College Football video game with Marina. It's pretty crazy how realistic video games are getting.

We plan on taking it easy the rest of the night before the work week starts tomorrow. Just since I don't have a new picture of the bump for this week, here's a picture of us from our honeymoon when we went hiking. Til next week....