Saturday, September 25, 2010

A lot has happened!!!

The big day came, September 13th....
We found out we are having a baby GIRL!!!!! She's growing like a weed in there lately. I started to feel her kick a little and the doctor said she is healthy as can be. We were even told she has some big biceps :) Here's a picture as of today:

My parents came down to finish the fireplace. It used to be 100% painted brick, and it was a thick coat of white paint. Through many groups of friends and family coming over to do the hard scrubbing of paint removal we got the majority off. My parents came down Monday and Tuesday and finished it off by sandblasting the whole thing. Here are the pictures!

Before and after!!!!!

Here's what it looked like if you were standing in the kitchen. Then of course I had to snap a picture of the hard workers :)

Finally, we set up the changing table and crib between the last post and this one. It made it a little more surreal that in 120ish days she'll be here. But, here's what her room looks like and a few early gifts we've been given :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

20 weeks down, 20 to go

Well, we are half way there! I feel like it's been a pretty easy half of the pregnancy with no morning sickness and only a little bit of nausea. We find out in a week what we are having. It seems crazy that so much time has already passed. Here's an update my size:

This weekend, we enjoyed the company of Jay's parents and his aunt and uncle for a relaxing Labor Day weekend. We once again have TV, this time for more that 4 days thanks to Dad Udey. Mom Udey printed off pictures from the wedding they attending in New York and also their tourist pictures. We got some refreshing ideas of ways to help give our house a face lift from Aunt Laurie and got some help returning a 'non-returnable' item from Uncle Chaim. We enjoy the time we get to spend with them and the time we were able to refresh ourselves over the weekend.

A few weekends ago, a group of our friends had a nerd party we took part in. Here is a picture of the large group. We sure do look great.