Here are the results!
For all of you who voted, the majority won and here's the before and after!

I know!!! I love it! I was a little frustrated at first with the different designs that were carved into the drawers and the different handles.... but there wasn't much I could do about it....
....EXCEPT spray paint them!
Can't forget pictures of Emma. She has been loving some new things lately.
Her baby's stroller......
.....her doctor set........
......and popsicles!
Last, this past weekend, the West Town mom's had a night out! We went out to eat and spent the night in a hotel. It was so wonderful to get away, not worry about feeding another mouth, stay up late, eat desserts at 11:30 at night, and get to know women who I see but don't get to have great conversations with often. One of the mom's mentioned that since we paid to stay in the hotel, why don't we have the dads bring the kids to go swimming in the morning!?!
Emma loved being in the pool! Jay even hopped in with us! It was a great way to end the 'night out'! Thanks to all you moms for such a great night!