Friday, December 14, 2012

A lot to be thankful for!

Thankful, thankful, thankful....

Let me tell you a little story:

Back story: (Note: none of this is coming from a complaining heart)
For the month of November, everyone in our house caught some bit of a cold. During all of this, Lily was sleeping for the longest, a 4 hour stretch at night. Add those things together.... you get one exhausted family. We went to Lily's 4 month appointment and started sleep training that night. (Nov. 30) She has done amazing and only woke up on average 1-2 times a night. (1) Praise God! 

Come Tuesday morning (Dec. 4), Emma woke up with a cough, and we decided to cancel a play date. (2) Praise God! Wednesday morning, one of my good friends, Skyla, and her son, Bowen, were going to come over, and we decided to cancel that too. (3) Praise God! 

Thursday: Thursday morning, we were going to go to the nursery to hang out with the Westtown moms. We didn't. (4) Praise God! 
Up to this point, Emma just had a cold, so we were just fighting it. Temp on Thursday morning was 100.4. Not bad; so I gave her some Motrin. 3 hours later, when the Motrin should have kicked in, her temp was 102.4. I decided to make a doctor's appointment. The earliest we could get in was Friday at 10:30. I'll take it! 
Suddenly, she started saying she was cold, shivering, crying, and saying her toes hurt. I knew we needed to see a doctor sooner than Friday. I called around and there was an opening for a location that we had just the exact amount of time to drive there and check-in. (5) Praise God!
We packed up and headed out. Lily had just eaten as I was calling around which is a huge praise. (6) Praise God! We got to the doctor, checked in, sat down for 1 minute, and our name was called. (7) Praise God! The staff there was so quick and efficient. I am beyond thankful! 
Emma did as best as she could.... eventually we found out she had strep. So, here are the random Praise God! moments that I could think about that aren't in the story!

(8) Praise God! that we didn't go to our own doctor. Kids remember EVERYTHING about the doctor and I'm glad she doesn't associate getting her tonsils swabbed with our normal doctor.
(9) Praise God! Lily didn't make 1 single peep the WHOLE time we were in the doctor's office. She just sat there and smiled! (she may have filled her diaper, but I'll take it!)
(10) Praise God! Both girls fell asleep as soon as we left the doctor's office. So, I drove around for an hour and let them nap. It was a great time to reflect on all the things I had to be thankful for.
(11) Praise God! Jay was gone Mon-Wed for work. I was beyond thankful that he was home last night to help out.
(12) Praise God! That Emma can communicate with us!
(13) Praise God! This is the first major sickness Emma has ever had!
(14) Praise God! Fast help! We were literally in the clinic for a total of 40 minutes. That includes check-in, appointment, waiting for results, and discussing things with the doctor. I don't know about all you other moms, but I call that amazing!
(15) Praise God! For answered prayer. I had asked a friend, Kayla, and my mom to pray that whatever was wrong with Emma could be treated and that Lily would be an amazingly, quiet baby. If you've read the story.... they both were answered!
(16) Praise God! Emma, Lily, and I went to Target before the crazy afternoon had started and stocked up on popsicles, juice, and applesauce-to-go. They came in handy at the doctor!
(17) Praise God! Lily hasn't napped for more than 45 minutes at a time during the day. Yesterday she napped in the car and continued to nap at home so I could cuddle with Emma. Total nap: 2 hours!
(18) Praise God! Emma and I were able to have a slumber party last night! I know this sounds silly. But, any mom who has girls dreams of the day that you get to stay up and paint your nails, eat popcorn, and watch movies. I had a mini one last night. Although it was filled with coughing, drinking water, reading lots of books, and some sleep, I tried to enjoy the moment as much as I could. I think my good friend, Colleen, has helped me work on that. :)
(19) Praise God! For an attitude of thankfulness. 
1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Give thanks in all circumstances; 
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
I tend to look at the negative side of things and have been working on it so much. God has given us everything, including eternal life, and I have been working on being thankful. My friend, Shaly, once told me, "If you aren't very joyful, start by working on being thankful." It's stuck with me and I think it works! 
(20) Praise God! Emma and I got out of bed at 8 this morning and Lily slept until 8:15!

All in all.... I have A LOT to be thankful for. 

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