Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Long-awaited Visit

The much anticipated visit from my family (mom, dad, & Abby) came and went way too fast! Because of crazy schedules, I can't even tell you the last time they were all down. Emma did so great adjusting to them, and I think was sad to see them go, as we were too. 

Emma loving Auntie Abby!

One of her new smiles!

She's got her purse (a Mr. Clean bucket), glasses, & keys! Ready to go!

We found out a few things this weekend about Emma. She can drink out of a straw, evidence to come, and she likes Cool Whip. 

She kept giving Grandpa goofy looks!

Lovin' Grandma time!

Growing up, we would make popcorn as a Friday night snack or sometimes as dinner. I HAD to show my family how much Emma loves popcorn. I tried to take a bowl away from her to share with everyone else and she threw quite the fit. 

I realized I haven't posted in quite a while. So, I apologize for the overload, but I have some awesome videos of Emma! Here they come!

Emma has taken up growling. Yes, like an animal. It's funny, most of the time. Last week, she was growling at people in Target..... Maybe she'll out grow this. 

Emma has also become quite the climber. I decided to stop taking video during the second video. I thought I should be responsible and get closer to her in case she fell.

She also has a funny new face. She sucks in her under lip and makes goofy noises.

And, Emma is quite the dancer. She also spins in circles when music comes on. What a goof!

Last, Emma has been learning how to take care of her baby. I'm hoping she'll do this great, minus carrying the baby around by the neck, with our new addition to the family. She really does great with her baby. She feeds her and even pats her back. 
I had an appointment last week and everything is going well with Baby #2. The heartbeat is at 153, 4 bpm away from what Emma was at 17 weeks! Now only 24 more days until we find out what we are having!!!! Check out the poll on the side and cast your vote!  :)

Sorry for the video overload, but who can resist checking out this cutie! 

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